The usual procedure for finishing drywall is to cover seams with paper or fiberglass tape and cover the tape, in turn, with drywall joint compound, or mud. The goal is to apply the mud in layers to gradually flatten the seams and make them disappear. The number of layers you need varies, depending on a number of considerations.
The number of drywall mud coats you’ll need depends on the time you have, the type of mud you’re using, and the level of finish you want for your walls. As we will mention later on, you’ll need an initial coat to fill in the seams prior to taping.
How Many Layers Do You Need For Drywall Mud?
After taping the seams, cover them with a thin coat of drywall mud and scrape it smooth, taking care not to damage the tape itself. Pay careful attention to the drywall screws as well, applying extra mud if
necessary to conceal their heads.
Once the first coat of drywall mud is fully applied to seams and corners, scrape it smooth and let it dry overnight. The next day, check the color of the mud to see if it’s thoroughly dried. Damp sections will look off-white or beige, while white sections are dry.
Sand the surfaces that you mudded the day before, especially corner areas. Apply a second coat of compound to every seam and screw, and let it all dry overnight again. Repeat the process with a third coat of compound and another night of drying.
Once the first coat of drywall mud is fully applied to seams and corners, scrape it smooth and let it dry overnight. The next day, check the color of the mud to see if it’s thoroughly dried. Damp sections will look off-white or beige, while white sections are dry.
Sand the surfaces that you mudded the day before, especially corner areas. Apply a second coat of compound to every seam and screw, and let it all dry overnight again. Repeat the process with a third coat of compound and another night of drying.
Mix up some drywall compound, also known as drywall mud. You can mix the mud yourself or purchase it pre-mixed.
Experts advise that your first coat of drywall mud be a little more watery than the following coats. It should be soft as sour cream, or a bit softer. Scoop some drywall mud onto your putty knife and smear it over screw heads and along cracks. Be sure you’re getting the mud deep into the drywall seams.
Next, using drywall tape, seal the joints or cracks between the panels of drywall, as well as the corners of the room and the seams along the ceiling. Once you’ve finished taping, scrape the tape smooth with a clean putty knife to ensure that there are no bubbles in it. Now you’re ready to apply the next layer of drywall compound.
Once your drywall installation, taping, and mudding is all done, sand everything one more time and wipe the walls with a damp cloth. Your next step will be applying a couple of coats of primer to prepare the walls to receive fresh paint.
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