Shaping the ecological bathroom includes various activities allowing optimal usable, health and aesthetic conditions to reside and perform specific actions by users with minimum interference in the environment and low use of natural resources. The main objective of these activities is to create a harmonious compounds in the system: user – bathroom – the environment. The basic features of ecological bathrooms and its ecological equipment include efficiency and savings of water, energy and materials. Equally important is the friendly treatment of the environment and the maintenance of healthy and hygienic conditions of use of the bathroom.
Ecological Bathroom Ideas
The Quality and Condition of the Bathroom Installations
You should also pay attention to the quality and condition of installation and fittings of the bathrooms, especially the faucets and taps. Leaky valve and tap, from which drips one drop per second causes a waste of 16.8 liters of water a day – that’s more than half a liter per hour, and each year about 4.7 cubic meters, or 4 700 liters.
Therefore, both the competent installation and proper maintenance of fittings can be very important.
Change Lightbulbs
Spend a bit more up front on fluorescents, and you’ll reap the rewards of energy savings and good color rendering for years to come. Bulbs now come in a variety of shapes, too.
Water Recycling and Reuse
Possibility of recycling and reuse wastewater, is an effective way to reduce water consumption in the household. Increasingly effective systems allow, for example, through proper filtration, use the waste water from the bathtubs and shower cabins for flushing the toilet bowls. In a domestic installation, users have opportunity of recycling and reuse consumed water, the so-called “grey water” or process water. Properly designed and installed system is needed for this purpose.
If renovation is the plan, talk to your contractor about ways to move air, odors and moisture. (And avoid mold growth in an attic or garage by making sure vents dump outside.)
When redesigning, don’t insist the new toilet or sink be moved to the opposite side of the room. Use less construction materials by keeping water and waste lines in the same place.
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